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IELTS Speaking
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IELTS Speaking

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IELTS Speaking »ùÇà µ¿¿µ»ó

IELTS Speaking
Introductuin About the Speaking Test
±¹³» 1À§ ¾ÆÀÌ¿¤Ã÷ Àΰ­


IELTS Speaking
How to do well in the speaking test
±¹³» 1À§ ¾ÆÀÌ¿¤Ã÷ Àΰ­


IELTS Speaking
Analysis of interview 1
±¹³» 1À§ ¾ÆÀÌ¿¤Ã÷ Àΰ­


IELTS Speaking
Analysis of Interview 2
±¹³» 1À§ ¾ÆÀÌ¿¤Ã÷ Àΰ­


IELTS Speaking
Analysis of Interview 3
±¹³» 1À§ ¾ÆÀÌ¿¤Ã÷ Àΰ­


IELTS Speaking
Unit 1. Introduction to Interviewee
±¹³» 1À§ ¾ÆÀÌ¿¤Ã÷ Àΰ­


IELTS Speaking
Unit 3. Nuclear Family
±¹³» 1À§ ¾ÆÀÌ¿¤Ã÷ Àΰ­


IELTS Speaking
Unit 5. Interests and Hobbies
±¹³» 1À§ ¾ÆÀÌ¿¤Ã÷ Àΰ­


IELTS Speaking
Unit 7. Entertainment
±¹³» 1À§ ¾ÆÀÌ¿¤Ã÷ Àΰ­


IELTS Speaking
Unit 9. Vacations and Weekends
±¹³» 1À§ ¾ÆÀÌ¿¤Ã÷ Àΰ­


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¹øÈ£ ³»¿ë Page ½Ã°£
1 Introduction
About the Speaking Test
10, 14~15 27:30
2 How to do well in the Speaking Test 11~25 50:29
3 Analysis of Interview 1 26 ~ 39 52:02
4 Analysis of Interview 2 40 ~ 47 37:59
5 Analysis of Interview 3 48 ~ 59 42:51
6 Unit 1. Introduction to Interviewee
Unit 2. Hometown
60 ~ 64 25:58
7 Unit 3. Nuclear Family
Unit 4. Nuclear Family
65 ~ 68 22:11
8 Unit 5. Interests and Hobbies
Unit 6. Food and Cooking
69 ~ 72 29:55
9 Unit 7. Entertainment
Unit 8. Sports
73 ~ 76 24:55
10 Unit 9. Vacations and Weekends
Unit 10. English Study
77 ~ 80 25:59
11 Unit 11. Future Plans
Unit 12. Travel
81 ~ 85 33:59
12 Unit 13. Your Home
Unit 14. Childhood
86 ~ 89 29:04
13 Unit 15. Traditions and Culture
Unit 16. Changes in Korea
90 ~ 93 25:16
14 Unit 17. Transport
Unit 18. Marriage in Korea
94 ~ 97 27:01
15 Unit 19. The Environment
Unit 20. Lifestyle
98 ~ 101 26:26
16 Unit 1. Tourism 102 ~ 105 27:03
17 Unit 2. Purchasing 106 ~109 22:47
18 Unit 3. Movies 110 ~ 113 30:17
19 Unit 4. Literature 114 ~ 117 22:12
20 Unit 5. Activities 118 ~121 24:42
21 Unit 6. School Subjects 122 ~ 124 25:58
22 Unit 7. Jobs 125 ~ 127 24:58
23 Unit 8. Relaxation 128 ~ 130 20:44
24 Unit 9. Live Performance 131 ~ 134 22:01
25 Unit 10. Personal Qualities 135 ~ 137 29:01
26 Unit 11. Pets 138 ~ 141 20:48
27 Unit 12. Shopping on the Net 142 ~ 144 22:35
28 Unit 13. Stress 145 ~ 148 23:35
29 Unit 14. Dining 149 ~ 152 22:08
30 Unit 15. Traditions and Customs 153 ~ 155 17:09
31 Unit 16. Superstition 156 ~ 158 21:25
32 Unit 17. The News 159 ~ 163 28:17
33 Unit 18. Friendship and Relationships 164 ~ 166 18:09
34 Unit 19. Clothing 167 ~ 170 23:04
35 Unit 20. Vacations 171 ~ 174 26:04
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